CIDP is built on IdentityServer4, an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core.

This provides CIDP with the ability to enable the following features in your applications:

  • Authentication as a Service - centralised login logic and workflow for all of your applications
  • Single Sign-on / Sign-out - single sign-on (and out) over multiple application types
  • Access Control for APIs - issue access tokens for APIs for various types of clients, e.g. server to server, web applications, SPAs and native/mobile apps

In order to use the Identity Server and you will need to login to the CIDP Admin, this will allow you to:

  • Create and configure your applications
  • Create and configure application sets
  • Create and configure your authentication sources (including external providers)
  • Provide local certificates
  • Manage Identity and API resources